シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Windshield WipersTurn the band with the wiper symbol to control thewindshield wipers.8 (Mist):Turn to mist for a single wiping cycle. Hold itthere until the wipers start. Then let go. The wipersstop after one wipe. Hold the band on mist longer, formore wipe cycles.9 (Off):Turns the wipers off.6(Delay):Turn the band to adjust the delay time. Thedelay between wiping cycles becomes shorter asthe band is moved to the top of the lever. This can bevery useful in light rain or snow.6 (Low Speed):For steady wiping at low speed.? (High Speed):For high-speed wiping.Clear ice and snow from the wiper blades before usingthem. If they are frozen to the windshield, gentlyloosen or thaw them. Damaged wiper blades may notclear the windshield well, making it harder to seeand drive safely. If the blades do become damaged,install new blades or blade inserts. For more information,seeWindshield Wiper Blade Replacement on page 5-59 .Heavy snow or ice can overload the wiper motor. Acircuit breaker will stop the motor until it cools down.Clear away snow or ice to prevent an overload.Rainsense II WipersFor vehicles with Rainsense II windshield wipers, themoisture sensor is located next to the inside rearviewmirror and is mounted on the windshield. When active,these sensors are able to detect moisture on thewindshield and automatically turn on the wipers.To turn on the Rainsense feature, the wipers must beset to one of the five delay settings on the multifunctionlever. Each of the five settings adjusts the sensitivityof the sensor.Since different drivers have different setting preferences,it is recommended that the mid-range setting (position 3)be used initially. For more wipes, select the highersettings; for fewer wipes, select the lower settings locatedcloser to the off position on the multifunction lever.The sensor will automatically control the frequency ofthe wipes from the off setting to the high speedsetting according to the weather conditions. The wiperscan be left in a rainsense mode even when it is notraining.3-9
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