シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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{ CAUTION:Children who are up against, or very close to, anyairbag when it inflates can be seriously injured orkilled. Airbags plus lap-shoulder belts offerprotection for adults and older children, but not foryoung children and infants. Neither the vehiclessafety belt system nor its airbag system is designedfor them. Young children and infants need theprotection that a child restraint system can provide.Always secure children properly in your vehicle. Toread how, seeOlder Children on page 1-54 orInfants and Young Children on page 1-57 .There is an airbagreadiness light on theinstrument panel cluster,which shows the airbagsymbol.The system checks the airbag electrical system formalfunctions. The light tells you if there is an electricalproblem. SeeAirbag Readiness Light on page 3-37for more information.Where Are the Airbags?The drivers frontal airbag is in the middle of thesteering wheel.1-83
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