シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Airbags are designed to supplement the protectionprovided by safety belts. Even though todays airbagsare also designed to help reduce the risk of injuryfrom the force of an inflating bag, all airbags must inflatevery quickly to do their job.Here are the most important things to know about theairbag system:{ CAUTION:You can be severely injured or killed in a crash ifyou are not wearing your safety belt even if youhave airbags. Airbags are designed to work withsafety belts, but do not replace them. Also, airbagsare not designed to deploy in every crash. In somecrashes safety belts are your only restraint. SeeWhen Should an Airbag Inflate? on page 1-86 .Wearing your safety belt during a crash helpsreduce your chance of hitting things inside thevehicle or being ejected from it. Airbags aresupplemental restraints to the safety belts.Everyone in your vehicle should wear a safety beltproperly whether or not there is an airbag for thatperson.{ CAUTION:Airbags inflate with great force, faster than theblink of an eye. Anyone who is up against, or veryclose to, any airbag when it inflates can beseriously injured or killed. Do not sit unnecessarilyclose to the airbag, as you would be if you weresitting on the edge of your seat or leaning forward.Safety belts help keep you in position before andduring a crash. Always wear your safety belt, evenwith airbags. The driver should sit as far back aspossible while still maintaining control of thevehicle.Occupants should not lean on or sleep against thedoor or side windows in seating positions withroof-rail airbags.1-82
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