シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Do not secure a child restraint in a position without atop tether anchor if a national or local law requires thatthe top tether be attached, or if the instructions thatcome with the child restraint say that the top tether mustbe attached.According to accident statistics, children and infants aresafer when properly restrained in a child restraintsystem or infant restraint system secured in a rearseating position. See Where to Put the Restrainton page 1-63for additional information.Securing a Child Restraint Designed forthe LATCH System{ CAUTION:If a LATCH-type child restraint is not attached toanchors, the child restraint will not be able toprotect the child correctly. In a crash, the childcould be seriously injured or killed. Install aLATCH-type child restraint properly using theanchors, or use the vehicles safety belts to securethe restraint, following the instructions that camewith the child restraint and the instructions in thismanual.1-70
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