シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Heated and Cooled SeatsIf the front seats have the heated and cooled seatfeature, the buttons used to control this featureare located on the front doors near the door handle.{ (Cooled Seat):To cool the entire seat, pressthe button with the cooled seat symbol.This symbol will appear on the climate control display toindicate that the feature is on. Press the button tocycle through the temperature settings of high, medium,and low and to turn the cooled seat off. Indicatorbars next to the symbol designate the level of coolingselected: three for high, two for medium, and onefor low.+ (Heated Seatback): To heat only the seatback,press the button with the heated seatback symbol.This symbol will appear on the climate control display toindicate that the feature is on. Press the button to cyclethrough the temperature settings of high, medium, andlow and to turn the heated seatback off. Indicator barsnext to the symbol designate the level of heat selected:three for high, two for medium, and one for low.z (Heated Seat and Seatback): To heat the entireseat, press the button with the heated seat and seatbacksymbol.This symbol will appear on the climate control display toindicate that the feature is on. Press the button to cyclethrough the temperature settings of high, medium, andlow and to turn the heated seat off. Indicator bars next tothe symbol designate the level of heat selected: three forhigh, two for medium, and one for low.The heated and cooled seats will be canceled after theignition is turned off. To use the heated and cooledseat feature after the vehicle is started, you will need topress the appropriate seat button again.Memory Seat, Mirrors, and PedalsYour vehicle may have the memory package.The controls for thisfeature are located on thedrivers door panel, andare used to programand recall memory settingsfor the drivers seat,outside mirrors, and theadjustable throttle andbrake pedal.1-8
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