シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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4. To match additional transmitters at this time, repeatStep 3.Each vehicle can have a maximum of eighttransmitters matched to it.5. To exit the programming mode, you must cycle thekey to LOCK/OFF.LanguageThis display allows you to select the language in whichthe DIC messages will appear. To select a language:1. Press the trip odometer reset stem untilODOMETER displays.2. While in the ODOMETER display, press and holdthe trip odometer reset stem for three seconds untilthe currently set language displays.3. Continue to press and hold the trip odometer resetstem to scroll through all of the available languages.The available languages are ENGLISH (default),FRANCAIS (French), ESPANOL (Spanish), andNO CHANGE.4. Once the desired language is displayed, releasethe trip odometer reset stem to set your choice.DIC CompassYour vehicle may have a compass in the DriverInformation Center (DIC).Compass ZoneThe zone is set to zone eight upon leaving the factory.Your dealer/retailer will set the correct zone for yourlocation.Under certain circumstances, such as during a longdistance cross-country trip or moving to a new state orprovince, it will be necessary to compensate forcompass variance by resetting the zone through theDIC if the zone is not set correctly.Compass variance is the difference between the earthsmagnetic north and true geographic north. If thecompass is not set to the zone where you live, thecompass may give false readings. The compass mustbe set to the variance zone in which the vehicle istraveling.3-61
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