シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Using the Store CommandThe store command allows a phone number to bestored without entering the digits individually.1. Press and holdbg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. Say Store. The system responds with Store,number please followed by a tone.3. Say the complete phone number to be stored atonce with no pauses. If the system recognizes the number it respondswith OK, Storing and repeats the phone number. If the system is unsure it recognizes the phonenumber, it responds with Store and repeats thenumber followed by Please say yes or no. If thenumber is correct, say Yes. If the number is notcorrect, say No. The system will ask for thenumber to be re-entered.4. After the system stores the phone number, itresponds with Please say the name tag followedby a tone.5. Say a name tag for the phone number. The nametag is recorded and the system responds withAbout to store <name tag>. Does that sound OK?. If the name tag does not sound correct, sayNo and repeat Step 5. If the name tag sounds correct, say Yes andthe name tag is stored. After the number isstored the system returns to the main menu.Using the Digit Store CommandThe digit store command allows a phone number to bestored by entering the digits individually.1. Press and holdbg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. Say Digit Store. The system responds with Pleasesay the first digit to store followed by a tone.3. Say the first digit to be stored. The system willrepeat back the digit it heard followed by a tone.Continue entering digits until the number to bestored is complete. If an unwanted number is recognized by thesystem, say Clear at any time to clear thelast number. To hear all of the numbers recognized by thesystem, say Verify at any time and thesystem will repeat them.3-119
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