シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Using the Digit Dial Command1. Press and hold bg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. Say Digit Dial. The system responds with Digitdial using <phone name>, please say the first digitto dial followed by a tone.3. Say the digit to be dialed one at a time. Followingeach digit, the system will repeat back the digit itheard followed by a tone.4. Continue entering digits until the number to bedialed is complete. After the whole number hasbeen entered, say Dial. The system responds withOK, Dialing and dials the number. If an unwanted number is recognized by thesystem, say Clear at any time to clear thelast number. To hear all of the numbers recognized by thesystem, say Verify at any time and thesystem will repeat them.Using the Call Command1. Press and hold bg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. Say Call. The system responds with Call using<phone name>. Please say the name tag followedby a tone.3. Say the name tag of the person to call. If the system clearly recognizes the name tag itresponds with OK, calling, <name tag> anddials the number. If the system is unsure it recognizes the rightname tag, it confirms the name tag followedby a tone. If the name tag is correct, say Yes.The system responds with OK, calling,<name tag> and dials the number. If the nametag is not correct, say No. The system willask for the name tag to be re-entered.Once connected, the person called will be heardthrough the audio speakers.Using the Re-dial Command1. Press and hold bg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. After the tone, say Re-dial. The system respondswith Re-dial using <phone name> and dials thelast number called from the connected Bluetoothphone.Once connected, the person called will be heardthrough the audio speakers.3-122
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