シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Voice Pass-ThruVoice Pass-Thru allows access to the voice recognitioncommands on the cell phone. See the cell phonemanufacturers user guide to see if the cell phonesupports this feature. This feature can be used toverbally access contacts stored in the cell phone.1. Press and holdbg for two seconds. The systemresponds with Ready followed by a tone.2. Say Bluetooth. The system responds withBluetooth ready followed by a tone.3. Say Voice. The system responds with OK,accessing <phone name>. The cell phones normal prompt messages willgo through its cycle according to the phonesoperating instructions.Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)TonesThe in-vehicle Bluetooth system can send numbers andnumbers stored as name tags during a call. This isused when calling a menu driven phone system.Account numbers can be programmed into thephonebook for retrieval during menu driven calls.Sending a Number During a Call1. Press bg . The system responds with Readyfollowed by a tone.2. Say Dial. The system responds with Say anumber to send tones followed by a tone.3. Say the number to send. If the system clearly recognizes the number itresponds with OK, Sending Number and thedial tones are sent and the call continues. If the system is not sure it recognized thenumber properly, it responds Dial Number,Please say yes or no? followed by a tone. If thenumber is correct, say Yes. The systemresponds with OK, Sending Number and thedial tones are sent and the call continues.3-125
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