シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Customer Assistance for TextTelephone (TTY) UsersTo assist customers who are deaf, hard of hearing,or speech-impaired and who use Text Telephones(TTYs), Chevrolet has TTY equipment available at itsCustomer Assistance Center. Any TTY user inthe U.S. can communicate with Chevrolet by dialing:1-800-833-CHEV (2438). (TTY users in Canada can dial1-800-263-3830.)Customer Assistance OfficesChevrolet encourages customers to call the toll-freenumber for assistance. However, if a customer wishesto write or e-mail Chevrolet, the letter should beaddressed to:United States Customer AssistanceChevrolet Motor DivisionChevrolet Customer Assistance CenterP.O. Box 33170Detroit, MI 48232-5170Chevrolet.com1-800-222-10201-800-833-2438 (For Text Telephone devices (TTYs))Roadside Assistance: 1-800-CHEV-USA (243-8872)From Puerto Rico:1-800-496-9992 (English)1-800-496-9993 (Spanish)From U.S. Virgin Islands:1-800-496-9994Canada Customer AssistanceGeneral Motors of Canada LimitedCustomer Communication Centre, CA1-163-0051908 Colonel Sam DriveOshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7gmcanada.com1-800-263-3777 (English)1-800-263-7854 (French)1-800-263-3830 (For Text Telephone devices (TTYs))Roadside Assistance: 1-800-268-6800Overseas Customer AssistancePlease contact the local General Motors Business Unit.7-6
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