シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Manual Operation of Power LiftgateTo change the liftgate to manual operation, press theswitch on the overhead console to the OFF position.With the power liftgate disabled and all of the doorsunlocked, the liftgate can be manually opened andclosed.To open the liftgate, press the touchpad on the handleon the outside of the liftgate, and lift the gate open.To close the liftgate, use the pull cup to lower the liftgateand close. The liftgate latch will power close. Alwaysclose the liftgate before driving.If the RKE button or the power close button on the liftgateis pressed while power operation is disabled, the lightswill flash three times, but the liftgate will not move.It is not recommended that you drive with the liftgateopen, however, if you must drive with the liftgate open,the liftgate should be set to manual operation bypressing the OFF switch on the center console.The liftgate has an electric latch. If the battery isdisconnected or has low voltage, the liftgate will notopen. The liftgate will resume operation when the batteryis reconnected and charged.If the battery is properly connected with adequatevoltage, the switch is not disabled, and the liftgate still willnot function, your vehicle should be taken to a dealer/retailer for service.Power Assist StepsYour vehicle may have power assist steps.The power assist steps automatically extend frombeneath the vehicle on the side in which the door hasbeen opened. Once the door is closed, the assist stepsautomatically move back under the vehicle after abrief delay. The vehicle must not be moving for theassist steps to extend or retract.The switch used to disablethe power assist steps islocated on the centerconsole below the climatecontrol system.The assist steps cannot be disabled in the extendedposition.2-18
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