シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Theft-Deterrent SystemsVehicle theft is big business, especially in some cities.This vehicle has theft-deterrent features, however,they do not make it impossible to steal.Content Theft-DeterrentYour vehicle may have a content theft-deterrent alarmsystem.This is the security light.To arm the theft-deterrent system:1. Open the door.2. Lock the door with the Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) transmitter or the power door lock switch.The security light will come on to inform the driverthe system is arming. If a door is open when thedoors are locked, the security light will flash.If the delayed locking feature is turned on, thetheft-deterrent system will not start the armingprocess until the last door is closed and the delaytimer has expired. See Delayed Locking onpage 2-11.3. Close all doors. The security light should go offafter about 30 seconds. The alarm is not armeduntil the security light goes off.If a locked door is opened without using the RKEtransmitter, a ten second pre-alarm will occur. The hornwill chirp and the lights will flash. If the key is not placedin the ignition and turned to START or the door is notunlocked by pressing the unlock button on the RKEtransmitter during the ten second pre-alarm, the alarm willgo off. Your vehicles headlamps will flash and the hornwill sound for about 30 seconds, then will turn off to savethe battery power.2-22
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