シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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SBZA Error MessagesThe following messages may appear in the DIC:SIDE BLIND ZONE ALERT SYSTEM OFF: Thismessage indicates that the driver has turned thesystem off.SIDE BLIND ZONE SYS. UNAVAILABLE: Thismessage indicates that the SBZA system is disabledeither because the sensor is blocked and cannot detectvehicles in your blind zone, or the vehicle is passingthrough an open field of view area, such as the desert,where there is insufficient data for operation. The sensormay be blocked by mud, dirt, snow, ice, slush, or evenheavy rainstorms. This message may also activate duringheavy rain or due to road spray. The vehicle does notneed service. For cleaning, see Washing Your Vehicleon page 5-110.SERVICE SIDE BLIND ZONE ALERT SYSTEM: If thismessage appears, both SBZA displays will remain onindicating there is a problem with the SBZA system.If these displays remain on after continued driving,the system needs service. Take the vehicle to yourdealer/retailer.Rear Vision Camera (RVC)This vehicle may have a Rear Vision Camera system.Read this entire section before using it.{ CAUTION:The Rear Vision Camera (RVC) system does notreplace driver vision. RVC does not: Detect objects that are outside the camerasfield of view, below the bumper, orunderneath the vehicle. Detect children, pedestrians, bicyclists, or pets.Do not back the vehicle by only looking at the rearvision camera screen, or use the screen duringlonger, higher speed backing maneuvers or wherethere could be cross-traffic. Your judged distancesusing the screen will differ from actual distances.So if you do not use proper care before backing up,you could hit a vehicle, child, pedestrian, bicyclist,or pet, resulting in vehicle damage, injury, or death.Even though the vehicle has the RVC system,always check carefully before backing up bychecking behind and around the vehicle.2-62
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