シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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4. Immediately, within one second, release the buttonwhen the garage door moves. The indicator lightwill blink rapidly until programming is complete.5. Press and release the same button again.The garage door should move, confirmingthat programming is successful and complete.To program another Rolling Code device such as anadditional garage door opener, a security device,or home automation device, repeat Steps 1 through 5,choosing a different function button in Step 3 thanwhat was used for the garage door opener.If these instructions do not work, the garage dooropener is probably a Fixed Code unit. Follow theProgramming instructions that follow for a Fixed Codegarage door opener.Programming Universal HomeRemote Fixed CodeFor questions or help programming the UniversalHome Remote System, call 1-866-572-2728 or go tolearcar2u.com.Most garage door openers sold before 1996 are FixedCode units.Programming a garage door opener involvestime-sensitive actions, so read the entire procedurebefore starting. Otherwise, the device will time out andthe procedure will have to be repeated.To program up to three devices:1. To verify that the garage door opener is a FixedCode unit, remove the battery cover on the handheld transmitter supplied by the manufacturer of thegarage door opener motor. If there are a row of dipswitches similar to the graphic above, the garagedoor opener is a Fixed Code unit. If you do notsee a row of dip switches, return to the previoussection for Programming Universal HomeRemote Rolling Code.Your hand held transmitter can have between eightto 12 dip switches depending on the brand oftransmitter.2-74
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