シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Manual OperationDC (Fan Control):Press these buttons to increase ordecrease the fan speed.Pressing either fan button while in automatic controlplaces the fan under manual control. The fan settingremains displayed and the AUTO light turns off. The airdelivery mode remains under automatic control.HG (Air Delivery Mode Control): Press these buttonsto change the direction of the airflow in the vehicle.Repeatedly press either button until the desired modeappears on the display. Pressing either mode buttonwhile the system is off changes the air delivery modewithout turning the system on. Pressing either modebutton while in automatic control places the mode undermanual control.The air delivery mode setting is displayed and theAUTO light turns off. The fan remains under automaticcontrol.H (Vent):Air is directed to the instrument panel outlets.) (Bi-Level):Air is divided between the instrumentpanel and floor outlets. Some air is directed towards thewindshield and side window outlets.6 (Floor):Air is directed to the floor outlets, withsome to the windshield, side window outlets, and secondrow floor outlets. In this mode, the system automaticallyselects outside air.- (Defog):This mode clears the windows of fog ormoisture. Air is directed to the windshield, floor outlets,and side window vents. In this mode, the systemturns off recirculation and runs the air conditioningcompressor unless the outside temperature is close tofreezing. The recirculation mode cannot be selectedwhile in the defog mode.0 (Defrost):This mode removes fog or frost from thewindshield more quickly. Air is directed to the windshieldand side window vents, with some directed to the floorvents. In this mode, the system automatically forcesoutside air into the vehicle and runs the air conditioningcompressor unless the outside temperature is close tofreezing. The recirculation mode cannot be selected whilein the defrost mode.Do not drive the vehicle until all the windows are clear.3-27
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