シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Charging System LightThis light comes on brieflywhen the ignition key isturned to START, butthe engine is not running,as a check to show itis working.If it does not, have the vehicle serviced by yourdealer/retailer.The light should go out once the engine starts. If it stayson, or comes on while driving, there could be a problemwith the charging system. A charging system message inthe Driver Information Center (DIC) can also appear. SeeDIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-64 for moreinformation. This light could indicate that there areproblems with a generator drive belt, or that there is anelectrical problem. Have it checked right away. If thevehicle must be driven a short distance with the light on,turn off accessories, such as the radio and airconditioner.Voltmeter GageWhen the engine is notrunning, but the ignition ison, this gage showsthe batterys state ofcharge in DC volts.When the engine is running, the gage shows thecondition of the charging system. The charging systemregulates voltage based on the state of the batteryfor improved fuel economy and battery life. The gagemay transition from a higher to lower or a lower to higherreading, this is normal. Readings between the lowand high warning zones indicate the normal operatingrange. The gage may also read low during the fueleconomy mode, this is normal.3-39
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