シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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If the light continues to flash, when it is safe to do so,stop the vehicle. Find a safe place to park the vehicle.Turn the key off, wait at least 10 seconds, and restartthe engine. If the light is still flashing, follow the previoussteps and see your dealer/retailer for service as soonas possible.Light On Steady:An emission control systemmalfunction has been detected on the vehicle. Diagnosisand service might be required.An emission system malfunction might be corrected bydoing the following: Make sure the fuel cap is fully installed. See Fillingthe Tank on page 5-9. The diagnostic system candetermine if the fuel cap has been left off orimproperly installed. A loose or missing fuel capallows fuel to evaporate into the atmosphere. A fewdriving trips with the cap properly installed shouldturn the light off. If the vehicle has been driven through a deeppuddle of water, the vehicles electrical systemmight be wet. The condition is usually correctedwhen the electrical system dries out. A few drivingtrips should turn the light off. Make sure to fuel the vehicle with quality fuel. Poorfuel quality causes the engine not to run asefficiently as designed and can cause: stalling afterstart-up, stalling when the vehicle is changedinto gear, misfiring, hesitation on acceleration, orstumbling on acceleration. These conditionsmight go away once the engine is warmed up.If one or more of these conditions occurs, changethe fuel brand used. It will require at least onefull tank of the proper fuel to turn the light off.SeeGasoline Octane on page 5-5 .If none of the above have made the light turn off, yourdealer/retailer can check the vehicle. The dealer/retailerhas the proper test equipment and diagnostic tools tofix any mechanical or electrical problems that might havedeveloped.3-45
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