シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Once the vehicle begins moving, the trip odometer willaccumulate mileage. For example, if the vehicle wasdriven 5 miles (8 km) before it is started again, and thenthe retro-active reset feature is activated, the display willshow 5 miles (8 km). As the vehicle begins moving, thedisplay will then increase to 5.1 miles (8.2 km), 5.2 miles(8.4 km), etc.Fuel RangePress the trip/fuel button until FUEL RANGE displays.This display shows the approximate number of remainingmiles (mi) or kilometers (km) the vehicle can be drivenwithout refueling. The display will show LOW if the fuellevel is low.The fuel range estimate is based on an average of thevehicles fuel economy over recent driving historyand the amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank. Thisestimate will change if driving conditions change.For example, if driving in traffic and making frequentstops, this display may read one number, but ifthe vehicle is driven on a freeway, the number maychange even though the same amount of fuel is in thefuel tank. This is because different driving conditionsproduce different fuel economies. Generally, freewaydriving produces better fuel economy than city driving.Fuel range cannot be reset.Average EconomyPress the trip/fuel button until AVG ECONOMY displays.This display shows the approximate average milesper gallon (mpg) or liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km).This number is calculated based on the number ofmpg (L/100 km) recorded since the last time this menuitem was reset. To reset AVG ECONOMY, pressand hold the set/reset button.Fuel UsedPress the trip/fuel button until FUEL USED displays.This display shows the number of gallons (gal) orliters (L) of fuel used since the last reset of this menuitem. To reset the fuel used information, press and holdthe set/reset button while FUEL USED is displayed.TimerPress the trip/fuel button until TIMER displays. Thisdisplay can be used as a timer.To start the timer, press the set/reset button while TIMERis displayed. The display will show the amount of timethat has passed since the timer was last reset, notincluding time the ignition is off. Time will continue to becounted as long as the ignition is on, even if anotherdisplay is being shown on the DIC. The timer will recordup to 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds (99:59:59)after which the display will return to zero.3-54
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