シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Trailer Gain and OutputOn vehicles with the Integrated Trailer Brake Control(ITBC) system, the trailer brake display appears in theDIC. Press the vehicle information button untilTRAILER GAIN and OUTPUT display.TRAILER GAIN shows the trailer gain setting. Thissetting can be adjusted from 0.0 to 10.0 with either atrailer connected or disconnected. To adjust this setting,see Integrated Trailer Brake Control System underTowing a Trailer on page 4-50 for more information.OUTPUT shows the power output to the trailer anytimea trailer with electric brakes is connected. Output isdisplayed in 0 to 10 bars. Dashes may appear inthe OUTPUT display. See Integrated Trailer BrakeControl System under Towing a Trailer on page 4-50for more information.Engine HoursPress the vehicle information button until ENGINEHOURS displays. This display shows the total numberof hours the engine has run.Relearn Remote KeyThis display allows you to match Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) transmitters to your vehicle. To match an RKEtransmitter to your vehicle:1. Press the vehicle information button untilPRESSV TO RELEARN REMOTE KEY displays.2. Press the set/reset button until REMOTE KEYLEARNING ACTIVE is displayed.3. Press and hold the lock and unlock buttons on thefirst transmitter at the same time for about15 seconds.On vehicles with memory recall seats, the firsttransmitter learned will match driver 1 andthe second will match driver 2.A chime will sound indicating that the transmitter ismatched.4. To match additional transmitters at this time, repeatStep 3.Each vehicle can have a maximum of eighttransmitters matched to it.5. To exit the programming mode, you must cycle thekey to LOCK/OFF.3-57
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