シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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SERVICE STABILITRAKIf your vehicle has StabiliTrakfiand this messagedisplays, it means there may be a problem with theStabiliTrak system. If you see this message, try to resetthe system. Stop; turn off the engine for at least15 seconds; then start the engine again. If this messagestill comes on, it means there is a problem. Youshould see your dealer/retailer for service. The vehicleis safe to drive, however, you do not have the benefitof StabiliTrak, so reduce your speed and driveaccordingly.SERVICE SUSPENSION SYSTEMIf your vehicle has the Autoridefisuspension system,this message displays when the Autoride suspensionsystem is not operating properly. Have your vehicleserviced by your dealer/retailer.SERVICE THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEMThis message displays when there is a problem withthe theft-deterrent system. The vehicle may or may notrestart so you may want to take the vehicle to yourdealer/retailer before turning off the engine. SeePASS-Key(R)III+ Electronic Immobilizer Operation onpage 2-24for more information.SERVICE TIRE MONITOR SYSTEMOn vehicles with the Tire Pressure Monitor System(TPMS), this message displays if a part on the TPMS isnot working properly. The tire pressure light alsoflashes and then remains on during the same ignitioncycle. SeeTire Pressure Light on page 3-43 . Severalconditions may cause this message to appear. See TirePressure Monitor Operation on page 5-73 for moreinformation. If the warning comes on and stays on, theremay be a problem with the TPMS. See yourdealer/retailer.SERVICE TRACTION CONTROLIf your vehicle has StabiliTrak, this message displayswhen there is a problem with the Traction ControlSystem (TCS). When this message displays, the systemwill not limit wheel spin. Adjust your driving accordingly.See your dealer/retailer for service. See StabiliTrak(R)System on page 4-6for more information.3-70
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