シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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NO CHANGE:No change will be made to this feature.The current setting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while thedesired setting is displayed on the DIC.REMOTE DOOR UNLOCKThis feature allows you to select the type of feedback youwill receive when unlocking the vehicle with the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. You will not receivefeedback when unlocking the vehicle with the RKEtransmitter if the doors are open. See Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) System Operation on page 2-5 for moreinformation.Press the customization button until REMOTE DOORUNLOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settings for this feature. Thenpress the customization button to scroll through thefollowing settings:LIGHTS OFF:The exterior lamps will not flash whenyou press the unlock button on the RKE transmitter.LIGHTS ON (default): The exterior lamps willflash when you press the unlock button on the RKEtransmitter.NO CHANGE:No change will be made to this feature.The current setting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while thedesired setting is displayed on the DIC.DELAY DOOR LOCKThis feature allows you to select whether or not thelocking of the vehicles doors and liftgate will be delayed.When locking the doors and liftgate with the powerdoor lock switch and a door or the liftgate is open, thisfeature will delay locking the doors and liftgate untilfive seconds after the last door is closed. You will hearthree chimes to signal that the delayed lockingfeature is in use. The key must be out of the ignition forthis feature to work. You can temporarily overridedelayed locking by pressing the power door lock switchtwice or the lock button on the RKE transmitter twice.SeeDelayed Locking on page 2-11 for more information.Press the customization button until DELAY DOORLOCK appears on the DIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settings for this feature.Then press the customization button to scroll throughthe following settings:OFF:There will be no delayed locking of the vehiclesdoors.ON (default):The doors will not lock until five secondsafter the last door or the liftgate is closed.NO CHANGE:No change will be made to this feature.The current setting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while thedesired setting is displayed on the DIC.3-77
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