シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
FACTORY SETTINGSThis feature allows you to set all of the customizationfeatures back to their factory default settings.Press the customization button until FACTORYSETTINGS appears on the DIC display. Press theset/reset button once to access the settings forthis feature. Then press the customization button toscroll through the following settings:RESTORE ALL (default): The customization featureswill be set to their factory default settings.DO NOT RESTORE: The customization features willnot be set to their factory default settings.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while thedesired setting is displayed on the DIC.EXIT FEATURE SETTINGSThis feature allows you to exit the feature settings menu.Press the customization button until PRESSV TO EXITFEATURE SETTINGS appears in the DIC display.Press the set/reset button once to exit the menu.If you do not exit, pressing the customization buttonagain will return you to the beginning of the featuresettings menu.Exiting the Feature Settings MenuThe feature settings menu will be exited when any ofthe following occurs: The vehicle is no longer in ON/RUN. The trip/fuel or vehicle information DIC buttons arepressed. The end of the feature settings menu is reachedand exited. A 40 second time period has elapsed with noselection made.3-82
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