シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Create a folder structure that makes it easy to findsongs while driving. Organize songs by albumsusing one folder for each album. Each folderor album should contain 18 songs or less. Avoid subfolders. The system can support up toeight subfolders deep, however, keep the totalnumber of folders to a minimum in order to reducethe complexity and confusion in trying to locatea particular folder during playback. Make sure playlists have a .m3u extension as otherfile extensions might not work. Minimize the length of the file, folder, or playlistnames. Long file, folder, or playlist names, or acombination of a large number of files and folders,or playlists could cause the player to be unableto play up to the maximum number of files, folders,playlists, or sessions. To play a large number offiles, folders, playlists, or sessions, minimizethe length of the file, folder, or playlist name. Longnames also take up more space on the display,potentially getting cut off. Finalize the audio disc before burning it. Trying toadd music to an existing disc could cause thedisc not to function in the player.Root DirectoryThe root directory of the CD-R or CD-RW is treated as afolder. If the root directory has compressed audio files,the directory is displayed as F1 ROOT. All files containeddirectly under the root directory are accessed prior to anyroot directory folders. However, playlists (Px) are alwaysaccessed before root folders or files.Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder exists somewhere in the filestructure that contains only folders/subfolders and nocompressed files directly beneath them, the playeradvances to the next folder in the file structure thatcontains compressed audio files. The empty folder doesnot display.No FolderWhen the CD contains only compressed files, the filesare located under the root folder. The next and previousfolder function does not function on a CD that wasrecorded without folders or playlists. When displayingthe name of the folder the radio displays ROOT.When the CD contains only playlists and compressedaudio files, but no folders, all files are located under theroot folder. The folder down and the folder up buttonssearch playlists (Px) first and then goes to the rootfolder. When the radio displays the name of the folderthe radio displays ROOT.3-110
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