シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)SystemThe vehicle may have a DVD Rear Seat Entertainment(RSE) system. The RSE system works with thevehicles audio system. The DVD player is part of thefront radio. The RSE system includes a radio with a DVDplayer, a video display screen, audio/video jacks, twowireless headphones, a remote control, and if thevehicle has a third row seat, it may have a second videodisplay screen and two additional wireless headphones.SeeRadio(s) on page 3-86 for more information onthe vehicles audio/DVD system.Before DrivingThe RSE is designed for rear seat passengers only.The driver cannot safely view the video screenwhile driving and should not try to do so.In severe or extreme weather conditions the RSEsystem might not work until the temperature is withinthe operating range. The operating range for theRSE system is above −4F (−20C) or below140F (60C). If the temperature of the vehicle isoutside of this range, heat or cool the vehicle until thetemperature is within the operating range of theRSE system.Parental ControlThe RSE system may have a Parental Control feature,depending on which radio the vehicle has. To enableParental Control, press and hold the radio power buttonfor more than two seconds to stop all system featuressuch as: radio, video screen, RSA, DVD and/or CD.While Parental Control is on, a padlock icon displays.The radio can be turned back on with a single press ofthe power button, but the RSE system will remainunder Parental Control.To turn Parental Control off, press and hold the radiopower button for more than two seconds. The RSEreturns from where it was previously left and the padlockicon disappears from the radio display.Parental Control can also be turned off by inserting orejecting any disc, pressing the play icon on theradio DVD display menu, or changing an ignitionposition.3-127
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