シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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Problem Recommended ActionThe auxiliary source isrunning but there is nopicture or sound.Check that the RSE videoscreen is in the auxiliarysource mode.Check the auxiliary inputconnections at bothdevices.Sometimes the wirelessheadphone audio cuts outor buzzes.Check for obstructions,low batteries, receptionrange, and interferencefrom cellular telephonetowers or by using acellular telephone in thevehicle.Check that theheadphones are oncorrectly using the L (left)and R (right) on theheadphones.I lost the remote and/orthe headphones.See your dealer/retailerfor assistance.The DVD is playing, butthere is no picture orsound.Check that the RSE videoscreen is sourced to theDVD player.DVD Display Error MessagesThe DVD display error message depends on whichradio is in the vehicle. The video screen can display oneof the following:Disc Load/Eject Error: Displays when there are discload or eject problems.Disc Format Error:Displays if the disc is inserted withthe disc label wrong side up, or if the disc is damaged.Disc Region Error:Displays if the disc is not froma correct region.No Disc Inserted:Displays if no disc is present whenEJECT or DVD AUX is pressed on the radio.DVD DistortionVideo distortion can occur when operating cellularphones, scanners, CB radios, Global Position Systems(GPS)*, two-way radios, mobile fax, or walkie talkies.It might be necessary to turn off the DVD player whenoperating one of these devices in or near the vehicle.*Excludes the OnStarfiSystem.3-135
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