シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
SRCE (Source):Press this button to switch betweenthe radio (AM/FM), XM (if equipped), CD, and ifthe vehicle has these features, DVD, front auxiliary, andrear auxiliary.©¨ (Seek):When listening to FM, AM, or XM(if equipped), press the left© or right ¨ seek arrow togo to the previous or to the next station or channeland stay there. This function is inactive, with someradios, if the front seat passengers are listening to theradio.Press and hold the left© or right ¨ seek arrow untilthe display flashes, to tune to an individual station.The display stops flashing after the buttons have notbeen pushed for more than two seconds. This function isinactive, with some radios, if the front seat passengersare listening to the radio.While listening to a disc, press the left© seek arrow togo back to the start of the current track or chapter(if more than ten seconds have played). Press theright¨ seek arrow to go to the next track or chapteron the disc. This function is inactive, with some radios, ifthe front seat passengers are listening to the disc.When a DVD video menu is being displayed, press theleft© or right ¨ seek arrow to perform a cursor up ordown on the menu. Hold the left© or right ¨ arrow toperform a cursor left or right on the menu.PROG (Program):Press this button to go to the nextpreset radio station or channel set on the mainradio. This function is inactive, with some radios, if thefront seat passengers are listening to the radio.When a CD or DVD audio disc is playing, press thisbutton to go to the beginning of the CD or DVD audio.This function is inactive, with some radios, if thefront seat passengers are listening to the disc.When a disc is playing in the CD or DVD changer,press this button to select the next disc, if multiple discsare loaded. This function is inactive, with some radios,if the front seat passengers are listening to the disc.When a DVD video menu is being displayed, press thePROG button to perform the menu function, enter.3-137
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