シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Blizzard ConditionsBeing stuck in snow can be in a serious situation.Stay with the vehicle unless there is help nearby.If possible, use theRoadside Assistance Programon page 7-7. To get help and keep everyone in thevehicle safe: Turn on theHazard Warning Flashers on page 3-6 . Tie a red cloth to an outside mirror.{ CAUTION:Snow can trap engine exhaust under the vehicle.This may cause exhaust gases to get inside.Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide (CO)which cannot be seen or smelled. It can causeunconsciousness and even death.If the vehicle is stuck in the snow: Clear away snow from around the base ofyour vehicle, especially any that is blockingthe exhaust pipe. Check again from time to time to be suresnow does not collect there.CAUTION: (Continued)CAUTION: (Continued)Open a window about two inches (5 cm) onthe side of the vehicle that is away from thewind to bring in fresh air. Fully open the air outlets on or under theinstrument panel. Adjust the Climate Control system to a settingthat circulates the air inside the vehicle andset the fan speed to the highest setting.See Climate Control System in the Index.For more information about carbon monoxide, seeEngine Exhaust on page 2-50 .Snow can trap exhaust gases under your vehicle.This can cause deadly CO (carbon monoxide) gasto get inside. CO could overcome you and kill you.You cannot see it or smell it, so you might notknow it is in your vehicle. Clear away snow fromaround the base of your vehicle, especially anythat is blocking the exhaust.Run the engine for short periods only as needed tokeep warm, but be careful.4-30
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