シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
Trailer Brake DIC Display PageThe ITBC system displays messages into the vehiclesDriver Information Center (DIC). See DIC Warningsand Messages on page 3-64 for more information.The display page indicates Trailer Gain setting, poweroutput to the electric trailer brakes, trailer connectionand system operational status.A. Trailer Gain SettingB. Power Output to Trailer BrakesC. No trailer with electric brakes connected or faultpresentThe Trailer Brake Display Page can be displayed byperforming any of the following actions: Scrolling through the DIC menu pages using theodometer trip stem or the DIC Vehicle Informationbutton (if equipped). Pressing a Trailer Gain button If the Trailer BrakeDisplay Page is not currently displayed, pressing aTrailer Gain button will first recall the current TrailerGain setting. After the Trailer Brake Display Pageis displayed, each press and release of the gainbuttons will then cause the Trailer Gain setting tochange. Activating the Manual Trailer Brake Apply lever Connecting a trailer equipped with electric trailerbrakesAll DIC warning and service messages must first beacknowledged by the driver by pressing the odometer tripstem or the DIC Vehicle Information button (if equipped)before the Trailer Brake Display Page can be displayedand Trailer Gain can be adjusted.4-62
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