シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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At a minimum, E85 should meet ASTM SpecificationD 5798. By definition, this means that fuel labeled E85will have an ethanol content between 70% and 85%.Filling the fuel tank with fuel mixtures that do not meetASTM specifications can affect driveability and couldcause the malfunction indicator lamp to come on.To ensure quick starts in the wintertime, the E85 fuelmust be formulated properly for your climate according toASTM specification D 5798. If you have trouble startingon E85, it could be because the E85 fuel is not properlyformulated for your climate. If this happens, switching togasoline or adding gasoline to the fuel tank can improvestarting. For good starting and heater efficiency below32F (0C), the fuel mix in the fuel tank should containno more than 70% ethanol. It is best not to alternaterepeatedly between gasoline and E85. If you do switchfuels, it is recommended that you add as much fuel aspossible do not add less than three gallons (11 L)when refueling. You should drive the vehicle immediatelyafter refueling for at least seven miles (11 km) to allow thevehicle to adapt to the change in ethanol concentration.E85 has less energy per gallon than gasoline, so you willneed to refill the fuel tank more often when using E85than when you are using gasoline. See Filling theTank on page 5-9.Notice:Some additives are not compatible withE85 fuel and can harm the vehicles fuel system.Do not add anything to E85. Damage caused byadditives would not be covered by the vehiclewarranty.Notice:This vehicle was not designed for fuelthat contains methanol. Do not use fuel containingmethanol. It can corrode metal parts in the fuelsystem and also damage plastic and rubber parts.That damage would not be covered under thevehicle warranty.Fuels in Foreign CountriesIf you plan on driving in another country outside theUnited States or Canada, the proper fuel might be hardto find. Never use leaded gasoline or any other fuel notrecommended in the previous text on fuel. Costly repairscaused by use of improper fuel would not be covered bythe vehicle warranty.To check the fuel availability, ask an auto club, orcontact a major oil company that does business in thecountry where you will be driving.5-8
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