シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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578page / 3.04MB
4. Insert the open endof the extension (J)through the hole in therear bumper (I) (hoistshaft access hole).Be sure the hoist end (J) of the extension (D)connects to the hoist shaft (B). The ribbed squareend of the extension is used to lower the spare tire.5. Turn the wheel wrench (E) counterclockwise tolower the spare tire (H) to the ground. Continueto turn the wheel wrench until the spare tire can bepulled out from under the vehicle.If the spare tire does not lower to the ground, thesecondary latch is engaged causing the tirenot to lower. SeeSecondary Latch System onpage 5-99for more information.6. Use the wheel wrenchhook that allows you topull the hoist cabletowards you, to assistin reaching thespare tire.5-90
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