シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
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Washing Your VehicleThe best way to preserve the vehicles finish is to keepit clean by washing it often.Notice:Certain cleaners contain chemicals that candamage the emblems or nameplates on the vehicle.Check the cleaning product label. If it states thatit should not be used on plastic parts, do not use iton the vehicle or damage may occur and it wouldnot be covered by the warranty.Do not wash the vehicle in direct sunlight. Use a carwashing soap. Do not use cleaning agents that arepetroleum based or that contain acid or abrasives, asthey can damage the paint, metal or plastic on thevehicle. Approved cleaning products can be obtainedfrom your dealer/retailer. Follow all manufacturersdirections regarding correct product usage, necessarysafety precautions and appropriate disposal of anyvehicle care product.Rinse the vehicle well, before washing and after toremove all cleaning agents completely. If they areallowed to dry on the surface, they could stain.Dry the finish with a soft, clean chamois or an all-cottontowel to avoid surface scratches and water spotting.High pressure car washes may cause water to enter thevehicle. Avoid using high pressure washes closerthan 12 inches (30 cm) to the surface of the vehicle.Use of power washers exceeding 1,200 psi (8 274 kPa)can result in damage or removal of paint and decals.Cleaning Exterior Lamps/LensesUse only lukewarm or cold water, a soft cloth and a carwashing soap to clean exterior lamps and lenses.Follow instructions under Washing Your Vehicle onpage 5-110.Finish CareOccasional waxing or mild polishing of the vehicle byhand may be necessary to remove residue fromthe paint finish. Approved cleaning products can beobtained from your dealer/retailer.If the vehicle has a basecoat/clearcoat paint finish, theclearcoat gives more depth and gloss to the coloredbasecoat. Always use waxes and polishes that arenon-abrasive and made for a basecoat/clearcoat paintfinish.5-110
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