シボレーサバーバンの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全578ページ 3.04MB]
http://www.chevrolet.com/.../2009_chevrolet_suburban_owners.pdf - 3.04MB
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(f)Lubricate all key lock cylinders, hood latch assembly,secondary latch, pivots, spring anchor, release pawl,rear compartment hinges, outer liftgate handle pivotpoints, rear door detent link, roller mechanism, liftgatehandle pivot points, latch bolt, fuel door hinge, cargodoor hinge, locks, and folding seat hardware. Morefrequent lubrication may be required when exposed toa corrosive environment. Applying silicone greaseon weatherstrips with a clean cloth will make themlast longer, seal better, and not stick or squeak.(g)Check vent hose at transfer case for kinks andproper installation. Check to be sure vent hose isunobstructed, clear, and free of debris. During anymaintenance, if a power washer is used to clean mudand dirt from the underbody, care should be taken tonot directly spray the transfer case output seals. Highpressure water can overcome the seals and contaminatethe transfer case fluid. Contaminated fluid will decreasethe life of the transfer case and should be replaced.(h)Change automatic transmission fluid and filter if thevehicle is mainly driven under one or more of theseconditions:-In heavy city traffic where the outside temperatureregularly reaches 90F (32C) or higher.-In hilly or mountainous terrain.-When doing frequent trailer towing.-Uses such as found in taxi, police, or deliveryservice.(i)Drain, flush, and refill cooling system. This servicecan be complex; you should have your dealer/retailerperform this service. See Engine Coolant on page 5-29for what to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,condenser, pressure cap, and filler neck. Pressuretest the cooling system and pressure cap.(j)A fluid loss in any vehicle system could indicate aproblem. Have the system inspected and repaired andthe fluid level checked. Add fluid if needed.(k)Inspect system. Check all fuel and vapor linesand hoses for proper hook-up, routing, and condition.Check that the purge valve works properly, if equipped.Replace as needed.(l)If driving regularly under dusty conditions, inspect thefilter at each engine oil change.(m)Visually inspect belt for fraying, excessive cracks, orobvious damage. Replace belt if necessary.(n)Severe Service: Change transfer case fluid if thevehicle is mainly used for trailer towing or driven in citytraffic, wet environment, or high ambient temperatures.6-9
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