シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-84Change Engine Oil LightUnited States CanadaThis light is displayed when the engine oil needs to be changed.Once the engine oil has been changed, the CHANGEENG OIL light must be reset. Until it is reset, the lightwill be displayed when the engine is on. For moreinformation on resetting the system, see "Oil LifeSystem" in the Index.Security LightUnited States CanadaThis light will come on briefly when you turn the key toward START. The light will stay on until theengine starts.If the light flashes, the Passlock system has entered atamper mode. If the vehicle fails to start, see "Passlock"in the Index.If the light comes on continuously while driving andstays on, there may be a problem with the Passlocksystem. Your vehicle will not be protected by Passlock,and you should see your dealer.Also, see "Content Theft-Deterrent" in the Index foradditional information regarding the SECURITY light.
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