シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-102CHECK OIL LEVELIf the oil level in the vehicle is low this message willappear on the DIC. Check the oil level and correct it asnecessary. You may need to need to let the vehicle coolor warm up and cycle the ignition to be sure thismessage will clear. Once the problem is corrected,pressing the select button will clear this message fromthe DIC display.CHECK WASHER FLUIDIf the washer fluid level is low this message will appearon the DIC. Adding washer fluid will clear the message.Pressing the select button will acknowledge thismessage and clear it from the DIC display.TRANS HOT IDLE ENGINEIf the transmission fluid in the vehicle gets hot thismessage will appear on the DIC. Driving with thetransmission fluid temperature high can cause damage tothe vehicle. Stop the vehicle and let it idle to allow thetransmission to cool. This message will clear when thefluid temperature reaches a safe level.ICE POSSIBLEIf the outside temperature reaches a level where icecould form on the roadway, this message may appear on the DIC. If the temperature rises to a safe level themessage will clear. Pressing the select button willacknowledge this message and clear it from the DIC display.DRIVER DOOR AJARIf the driver's door is not fully closed this message willappear on the display and you will hear a chime. Stopand turn off the vehicle, check the door for obstacles,and close the door again. Check to see if the messagestill appears on the DIC. Pressing the select button will acknowledge this message and clear it from the DIC display.PASSENGER DOOR AJARIf the passenger's door is not fully closed this messagewill appear on the display and you will hear a chime.Stop and turn off the vehicle, check the door forobstacles, and close the door again. Check to see if themessage still appears on the DIC. Pressing the selectbutton will acknowledge this message and clear it fromthe DIC display.
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