シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-50Compass CalibrationPress and hold the on/off button down for nine secondsto activate the compass calibration mode. "CAL" will bedisplayed in the compass window on the mirror.The mirror can be calibrated in one of two ways:Drive the vehicle in circles at 5 mph (8 km/h) or lessuntil the display shows "CAL," ordrive the vehicle on your everyday routine. (This method may take longer to calibrate).Compass VarianceThe mirror is set to zone eight upon leaving the factory.It will be necessary to adjust the compass to compensatefor compass variance if you live outside zone eight.Under certain circumstances, such as during a longdistance cross-country trip, it will be necessary to adjustfor compass variance. Compass variance is thedifference between earth's magnetic north and truegeographic north. If not adjusted to account for compassvariance, your compass could give false readings.To adjust for compass variance, do the following:1. Find your current location and variance zone numberon the map.2. Press and hold the on/off button for six seconds.Release the button when "ZONE" is displayed. The number shown is the current zone number.3. Scroll through the zone numbers that appear in thecompass/temperature window on the mirror bypressing the on/off button. Once you find your zonenumber, release the button. After about four seconds,the mirror will return to the compass andtemperature display, and the new zone number willbe set.
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