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CUSTOMER SERVICE PROCEDURESDoc No:MNSA0006 Rev:00Copyright(C) Hanmar Motor Corporation 203 K-1OBTAINING MOTORHOME SERVICEThe solution to all your Roadtrek concerns starts with your Roadtrek DealerRoadtrek DealerThe dealership should always be given theopportunity to resolve your concerns prior tocontacting Home & Park MotorhomesRoadtr ek D ealer Dodge or GM D ealerContact Service Writerat Roadtrek DealershipIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedContact Service Managerat Roadtrek DealershipContact Dealer Principalat Roadtrek DealershipContactHome & Park MotorhomesContactHome & Park MotorhomesAdvise the Service Departmentthat you have a 1 ton van(Dodge B350 or Chevy G-30 extended van)that requires service.Note:Using the word "Motorhome"may cause the dealerto shy away from service.Most automotive dealers havethe service capabilities to handle the 1 ton van.Contact Service WriterContact Service ManagerContact ChassisCustomer Service Departmentfor assistance.Customer Service will issue a file for your records.Contact Dealer PrincipalCUSTOMER SERVICE PROCEDURESDoc No:MNSA0006 Rev:00Copyright(C) Hanmar Motor Corporation 203 K-1OBTAINING MOTORHOME SERVICEThe solution to all your Roadtrek concerns starts with your Roadtrek DealerRoadtrek DealerThe dealership should always be given theopportunity to resolve your concerns prior tocontacting Home & Park MotorhomesRoadtr ek D ealer Dodge or GM D ealerContact Service Writerat Roadtrek DealershipIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedIf situation isnotresolvedContact Service Managerat Roadtrek DealershipContact Dealer Principalat Roadtrek DealershipContactHome & Park MotorhomesContactHome & Park MotorhomesAdvise the Service Departmentthat you have a 1 ton van(Dodge B350 or Chevy G-30 extended van)that requires service.Note:Using the word "Motorhome"may cause the dealerto shy away from service.Most automotive dealers havethe service capabilities to handle the 1 ton van.Contact Service WriterContact Service ManagerContact ChassisCustomer Service Departmentfor assistance.Customer Service will issue a file for your records.Contact Dealer Principal