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WATER SYSTEMDoc No:MNSA0006 Rev:00Copyright(C) Hanmar Motor Corporation 203 E-1WATER SYSTEMYour vehicle is equipped with a water system for either completely,self contained,or fully dependent use. It is notequipped with a pressure regulator to compensate for varying water pressure levels. During self contained use,caution should be taken so as to minimize water consumption. For example,water consumption can be reducedwhile showering if you turn off the shower between wetting down and rinsing off.To avoid damage due to road vibrations,be sure not to store heavy or sharp objects where they may come into contactwith either the water lines or water pump. Also,allow sufficient room around the pump for proper operation.FRESH WATER TANKOn Dodge models,the fresh water tank can be filled through the gravity fill located in the rear door post for 190models and in the driver door step well for 170 models. On Chevrolet models,the gravity fill is in the side entrydoor step well. To fill the tank:i) Open the door.ii) Open the gravity fill cover (on some models).iii) Remove the plug,insert the hose and fill the tank using moderate pressure (excessive pressure will resultin a back flow of water).iv) When the tank is full,water will overflow through the air vent at the top of the tank onto the ground forDodge 190 models,and into the door step well of Chevrolet and Dodge 170 models.On Dodge models,the fresh water tank can also be filled through the city water connection located behind thelarge lockable access door integrated within the running boards on the driver side. On Chevrolet models,the citywater connection is integrated into the flare behind the driver side rear wheel. To fill the tank:i) Connect a hose to the city water connection (see City Water Connection E-1).ii) Open the valve located at the city water connection.iii) Open the water source moderately.iv) When the tank is full,water will overflow through the air vent at the top of the tank onto the ground forDodge models,and into the door step well of Chevrolet models.v) Close valve.CITY WATER CONNECTIONOn Dodge models,the city water connection is located behind the large lockable access door integrated within therunning boards on the driver side. On Chevrolet models,it is integrated into the flare behind the driver side rearwheel. To connect the water system to an outside source:i) Ensure that the water pump is turned off.ii) Be sure that all interior water outlets are closed to prevent spillage.iii) Close the front tap at the city water connection to prevent the fresh water tank from being filled.iv) Remove the city water connection cap and the white plug from the compartment floor below the citywater connection.v) Run the hose through this opening and connect it to the city water connection.vi) Open the city water source moderately to prevent excessive water force inside your vehicle. (To protectyour system from excessive pressure from water supply systems encountered in some areas,a waterpressure regulator should be used. Such a regulator is not supplied with your vehicle).vii) Note that this connection bypasses the water pump and fresh water tank. Therefore,the use of theseitems is not necessary when connected directly to an external water source.To disconnect the city water connection:i) Turn off the external water source.ii) Open the sink faucet to relieve the pressure in the system (failure to do so may result in an unexpected shower).iii) Remove the hose from the city water connection,replace the cap and replace the plug in thecompartment floor.WATER SYSTEMDoc No:MNSA0006 Rev:00Copyright(C) Hanmar Motor Corporation 203 E-1WATER SYSTEMYour vehicle is equipped with a water system for either completely,self contained,or fully dependent use. It is notequipped with a pressure regulator to compensate for varying water pressure levels. During self contained use,caution should be taken so as to minimize water consumption. For example,water consumption can be reducedwhile showering if you turn off the shower between wetting down and rinsing off.To avoid damage due to road vibrations,be sure not to store heavy or sharp objects where they may come into contactwith either the water lines or water pump. Also,allow sufficient room around the pump for proper operation.FRESH WATER TANKOn Dodge models,the fresh water tank can be filled through the gravity fill located in the rear door post for 190models and in the driver door step well for 170 models. On Chevrolet models,the gravity fill is in the side entrydoor step well. To fill the tank:i) Open the door.ii) Open the gravity fill cover (on some models).iii) Remove the plug,insert the hose and fill the tank using moderate pressure (excessive pressure will resultin a back flow of water).iv) When the tank is full,water will overflow through the air vent at the top of the tank onto the ground forDodge 190 models,and into the door step well of Chevrolet and Dodge 170 models.On Dodge models,the fresh water tank can also be filled through the city water connection located behind thelarge lockable access door integrated within the running boards on the driver side. On Chevrolet models,the citywater connection is integrated into the flare behind the driver side rear wheel. To fill the tank:i) Connect a hose to the city water connection (see City Water Connection E-1).ii) Open the valve located at the city water connection.iii) Open the water source moderately.iv) When the tank is full,water will overflow through the air vent at the top of the tank onto the ground forDodge models,and into the door step well of Chevrolet models.v) Close valve.CITY WATER CONNECTIONOn Dodge models,the city water connection is located behind the large lockable access door integrated within therunning boards on the driver side. On Chevrolet models,it is integrated into the flare behind the driver side rearwheel. To connect the water system to an outside source:i) Ensure that the water pump is turned off.ii) Be sure that all interior water outlets are closed to prevent spillage.iii) Close the front tap at the city water connection to prevent the fresh water tank from being filled.iv) Remove the city water connection cap and the white plug from the compartment floor below the citywater connection.v) Run the hose through this opening and connect it to the city water connection.vi) Open the city water source moderately to prevent excessive water force inside your vehicle. (To protectyour system from excessive pressure from water supply systems encountered in some areas,a waterpressure regulator should be used. Such a regulator is not supplied with your vehicle).vii) Note that this connection bypasses the water pump and fresh water tank. Therefore,the use of theseitems is not necessary when connected directly to an external water source.To disconnect the city water connection:i) Turn off the external water source.ii) Open the sink faucet to relieve the pressure in the system (failure to do so may result in an unexpected shower).iii) Remove the hose from the city water connection,replace the cap and replace the plug in thecompartment floor.