Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
100Maintenance tips for your Leica camera andlensesIf your Leica is to be stored for a long period oftime, please remove the batteries and make surethat the camera is stored in a dry, well-ventilatedplace. Photo cases that have got wet during useshould be emptied to prevent damage to yourequipment caused by moisture and any leather-tanning residue released. To prevent fungal growth during use in hot, humid tropical climates, the camera equipment should be ex-posed to the sun and air as much as possible. Storage in airtight containers or cases is only recommended if a desiccant, such as silica gel, isalso used. As any dirt may also be a breedingground for micro-organisms, the equipmentshould be carefully kept clean.All mechanically operated bearings and slidingsurfaces on your Leica are lubricated. Please remember this if you will not be using the came-ra for a long period of time. To prevent the lubri-cation points from becoming gummy, the camerashould be wound on several times and releasedwith every shutter speed with no film loadedevery three months. It is also recommended that you repeatedly move and use all other controls, such as the image field selector. The range and aperture set-ting rings on the lenses should also be movedfrom time to time.A lens works like a magnifying glass if bright sun-light shines on the front of the camera. The camera should therefore never be set aside with-out protection against strong sunlight. Using thelens cover and keeping the camera in the shade(or directly in the case) help to prevent damageto the interior of the camera.To remove stains and fingerprints, the cameraand lens should be wiped with a clean lint-freecloth. Tougher dirt in hard to reach corners ofthe camera body can be removed with a smallbrush. Do not use liquid cleaning agents to cleanthe housing. Dust and lint inside the camera (e.g. on the mirror or the film guides) are best removed carefully with a soft hair brush that hasbeen repeatedly degreased in ether and thendried. Be careful not to damage the shutter curtain with the shaft of the brush.
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