Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
85Metering diagram (Diagram see p. 87)Information on the metering range of the expo-sure meter can be found on the right-hand sideof the diagram, while information on the workingrange of the slotted shutter and the lenses areon the left. Between them, the exposure values(EV) can be read off.The metering range of the exposure meter is given on the right of the diagram in cd/m2(can-dela per square meter). Above this, the filmspeed settings (SV=Speed Value) are given inISO values. To the left of the diagram, you cansee the shutter speed details in seconds (TV=Time Value). The working range of the LEICA MP’s focal plane shutter is represented bya shaded area in the adjacent column. In theB/OFFsetting, the range is open at the top. Theaperture values (AV) can be read off in the bot-tom left. Example A highlights the relationshipsbetween the film speed, light intensity (bright-ness), shutter speed and aperture. From the film speed (ISO 100/21°), you can firstof all follow the vertical line to its intersectionwith the horizontal line for the given light intensi-ty. In this example, this is 4000cd/m2, whichcorresponds to the brightness in bright sunshine.The line then runs diagonally as far as the verti-cal line for the set aperture (11) and from therehorizontally to the left until it reaches the neces-sary shutter speed (1/250s). The exposure value(EV15) can also be read off in the diagonal course of the line. Example B shows that in candlelight and with afilm speed of ISO 400/27° (1cd/m2) it is neces-sary to use aperture 1.4 and a shutter speed of1/15s. The aperture 11 on the lens, for example,cannot be used as the associated shutter speedof 4s is not available on the shutter speed setting dial.
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