Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
78Image frame selectorThe image frame selector (20) expands the pos-sibilities of the LEICA MP viewfinder. This built inuniversal viewfinder allows you to activate bright-line frames at any time, which do not belong tothe lens currently being used. You can then seeimmediately if, for image composition reasons, itwould be better to photograph the relevant sub-ject using a different focal length.If the lever is pushed outwards, i.e. away fromthe lens, the image frames for the focal lengths35 and 135mm appear (not the image frame for135mm focal length on the LEICA MP 0.58). If the lever is moved to its vertical central positi-on, the image frames for the focal lengths 50and 75mm appear.If the lever is pushed inwards, i.e. towards thelens, the image frames for the focal lengths 28and 90mm appear on the LEICA MP with 0.72xviewfinder magnification, and only the bright-lineframes for 90mm focal length on the model with0.85x viewfinder magnification.*not in Leica MP 0.5835mm + 135mm*
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