Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
82Exposure meteringOn the LEICA MP, exposure metering for theavailable ambient light is done selectivelythrough the lens with the working aperture. Thelight reflected by a bright metering spot is cap-tured by a photodiode (arrow) and measured.This silicon photo diode with a convex lens infront of it is positioned on the left above theshutter. The metering spot (12mm diameter, cor-responding to approx. 13% of negative format) issituated in the center of the first shutter curtain.The uneven coverage of the white paint is not theresult of faults in production. Rather, it is due tothe fact that it is not possible to apply a sealed,thick coat of paint to the flexible rubber blanketof the shutter without impairing the shutterfunction. The uneven structure of the meteringspot in no way impairs the exposure result.The appropriate shutter speed/aperture combi-nations for correct exposure are determinedusing a light balance consisting of three redLEDs () in the viewfinder display. Whenthe setting is correct, only the central circularLED lights up.Turning on the exposure meterThe exposure meter is turned on by lightly pressing the shutter release button (7) to thepressure point, provided that the camera is turned on, i.e. the shutter speed setting dial (10) is at a position other than B/OFF, and the shut-ter is fully cocked.If the exposure meter is ready to use, one of thetwo triangular LEDs lights up and stays lit, in some cases along with the central circular LED.If the shutter release button is let go, without releasing the shutter, the exposure meter re-mains turned on for around 14s more, and theLED(s) remain lit for the same time.After releasing the shutter and shutter move-ment, the exposure meter is turned off and theLED(s) in the viewfinder go out.
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