Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
105Magnification (for all lenses) LEICA MP 0.58: 0.58x, LEICA MP 0.72: 0.72x, LEICA MP 0.85: 0.85x.Wide-basis range finder Split or superimposed image range-finder shown as a bright field in the center of the viewfinderimage.Effective basis width LEICA MP 0.58: 40.2mm (mechanicalbasis width 69.25mm x viewfinder magnification 0.58x), LEICA MP 0.72: 49.9mm (mechanical basis width 69.25mm xviewfinder magnification 0.72x), LEICA MP 0.85: 58.9mm (mechanical basis width 69.25mm x viewfinder magnification0.85x).DisplaysViewfinder(lower edge) LED symbol for battery warning. LEDlight balance with two triangular and one central circular LEDfor exposure adjustment. Triangular LEDs indicate the requireddirection of the aperture ring for the adjustment.Top panelFrame counterRear panelSetting dial for manual film speed setting.Shutter and releaseShutterRubberised cloth, focal plane shutter with horizontalmovement; extremely low-noise; mechanically controlled.Shutter speeds From 1s to 1/1000s in whole steps, Bforlong exposures of any duration, 1(1/50s) for flash synchroni-sation.Shutter release Two-stage: Power up (activation of exposuremeter) - Release Integrated standard cable release thread.Film windingLoadingManual film loading after opening the bottom coverand the rear panel.Winding forwards Manually with quick wind lever or LEICAVIT M, motor ised using MOTOR-M, LEICA WINDER-M, LEICA WINDER M4-P, or LEICA WINDER M4-2 (from serial no.10350).RewindManually with pull-out rewind button, after movingthe Rlever on the front of the camera. Detachable rewindcrank available as an accessory.Frame counter On top of camera. Automatic reset after removal of bottom cover.Camera housingMaterialEnclosed all-metal housing with opening rear panel.Top panel and bottom cover brass, black lacquered or silverchromium plated.Image field selector Allows the bright-line frame pairs to bemanually projected at any time (e.g. to compare framing).Tripod threadA1/4(1/4") DIN in bottom cover.Rear panel / equipment Setting dial for film speed selec-tion.Operating voltage 3 VoltsPower supply2 silver oxide button cells, type "PX 76/SR 44"or 1 lithium cell, type "DL1/3N". Battery status check by illumi-nation of battery warning display along with light balance LEDs (1ststage), extinguishing of light balance LEDs (2ndstage) or extinguishing of all LEDs.Dimensions(length x depth x height) 138mm x 38mm x 77mmWeight585g (without batt.)
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