Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
106Other Leica productsProjectorsA wide range of projectors is available to suit allpreferences and applications. The professionalPradovit RT models for round magazines and thePRADOVIT P600, P300 and P150 offer optimumoperating convenience and versatile expansionoptions.The most important common feature of all Leicaprojectors, particularly the Leica projection lens-es, is perfect optical performance, which trans-fers everything you have recorded with your Leica M lenses onto the screen.Binoculars and spotting scopesThe particular plus point with the Duovid and Trinovid telescopes, Rangemaster and Pin-master laser range finders and Televid spottingscopes is their outstanding optics. They are pro-duced from the same high-quality types of glassas the world-famous Leica lenses. The excellentoptical performance, the high resolution capabili-ties and the convincing brilliance provide a vividimage even in conditions of poor contrast.Leica AcademyWe not only manufacture high-performanceproducts for everything from observation toreproduction, we also offer a special service inthe form of the Leica Academy, which for manyyears has been providing practical seminars and training courses, where expertise from the worldof photography, projection and magnification hasbeen taught to both beginners and advancedphotographic enthusiasts.The content of the courses, which are run by ourexperienced team of expert instructors in ourmodern training facilities at the Solms plant andthe nearby "Gut Altenberg", ranges from generalphotography to areas of special interest, and provide a wealth of practical suggestions, infor-mation and advice.More details, along with the current programm ofseminars, are available from:Leica Camera AGLeica AkademieOskar-Barnack Str. 11D- 35606 SolmsPhone: +49 (0) 6442-208-421Fax: +49 (0) 6442-208-425e-mail: la@leica-camera.com
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