Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
76Bright-line view- and rangefinderThe LEICA MP’s bright-line view- and rangefinderis not only a very high-quality, large, brilliant and bright viewfinder, it is also a highly accuraterangefinder coupled to the lens.The size of the bright-lines corresponds to animage size of 23 x 35mm (slide format) at theshortest setting distance for each focal length.At longer distances, the camera records more ofthe subject than can be seen within the bright-line frames.The bright-line frames are linked to the distancesetting in such a way that parallax – the misalign-ment between the lens and the viewfinder axes –is automatically compensated and the image within the bright-line frames and the picture areidentical over the entire distance setting rangefrom 0.7m to 8.Three LEICA MP modes are available, with differ-ent versions of this viewfinder. They differ exclu-sively in their magnification:If lenses with the focal lengths 28 (Elmarit fromserial number 2411001), 35, 50, 75, 90 or135mm are used with the LEICA MP with 0.72xviewfinder magnification, the associated bright-line frame automatically adjusts itself in the com-binations 28+90mm, 35+135mm, 50+75mm.On the LEICA MP model with the stronger 0.85xviewfinder magnification, five frames are acti-vated for the focal lengths starting at 35mm(90mm, 35+135mm, 50+75mm).On the LEICA MP 0.58, five frames are activatedfor the focal lengths up to 90mm (28+90mm,35mm, 50+75mm).In the middle of the viewfinder image is the rectangular distance metering image, which isbrighter than the surrounding image field. All lenses with focal lengths from 21 to 135mmconnect with the range f inder when used on theLEICA MP.If the exposure meter is turned on, the exposuremeter LEDs or the battery warning LED displayalso appear at the lower edge of the viewfinderimage.For more details about setting the distance andthe exposure, refer to the relevant sections onpages 80 and 82.Note:On the LEICA MP 0.85, the central area of the lower 50mm bright-line frame is hidden by thedisplay.
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