Leica MPの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全114ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-17
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_3664.pdf - 0.89MB
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114page / 0.89MB
86Because only 1s can be set as the highest shut-ter speed using the dial, direct metering is nolonger possible. Conversion or reading the cor-rect shutter speed from this diagram is thereforeessential.Metering field orientation in the viewfinder(Diagram see pp. 88-89)The diameter of the circular metering field is12mm. This corresponds to1/2of the formatheight and1/3of the format width. However, inthe viewfinder image the metering field sizechanges slightly in relation to the valid framing,which depends on the focal length used and theset distance.This also applies to lenses with a viewfinderattachment, e.g. the LEICA ELMARIT-M 135mm f/2.8.
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