COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 29 -PRACTICECONCEPTThe Camera Menus: The M-REC Menu1USER SETRESET ALLFOLDERSLENSCARDFORMATAE LOCKB&WSET UPSET➔ SHUTTERTELEFOTOFISHEYEWIDELENSNORMALSET➔SHUTTERBKLens Converter Settings (LENS)If you have attached one of the lens converters available sepa-rately for the COOLPIX 800, you can use the LENS option toadjust zoom, flash, and other settings to the optimum values forthe chosen converter. The following preset combinations ofsettings are available:These options should only be used when the appropriate lensconverter is attached. When using the camera without a lensconverter, select NORMAL for normal camera operation.To change the lens converter setting:1 Turn the mode dial to M-REC.2 Press the MENU button to display theshooting menu, then press it again to viewthe second page.3 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightLENS and press the shutter-release but-ton.4 Use the zoom buttons () to select thedesired option from the menu shown atright, then press the shutter-release but-ton to return to shooting mode.At settings other than NORMAL, a lens converter icon () willappear in the LCD monitor, and settings will be optimized for thechosen converter as described at left. Choose NORMAL to cancelchanges to settings and restore normal camera operation.Option How it worksCamera zooms all the way out, allowingyou to take photos at the maximumpossible angle. Flash is disabled. Macroclose-up can be used at ranges of 7cm(2.8in) or more from the lens.WIDE(for WC-E24wide-angle con-verter)Camera zooms in to maximum opticalzoom position for enhanced telephotophotography. Zoom can be adjustedbetween maximum zoom and themiddle optical zoom position (the thirdstep shown in the LCD monitor zoomindicator). Flash is disabled. Macro-close up can be used at ranges of 40cm(15.7in.) or more from the lens.TELEFOTO(for TC-E2telephoto lensconverter)Camera settings adjusted to take fisheyephotographs with the four corners ofthe frame blacked out, creating a circu-lar frame. Flash is disabled and focusfixed at an autofocus setting of infinity.Centerweighted metering is used.FISHEYE(for FC-E8 fisheyelens converter)