COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 13 -Focus SettingsWith the mode dial set to A-REC, a choice of three autofocusmodes is available. In addition, M-REC mode offers a selection ofmanual focus settings.Autofocus settingsThe autofocus settings available in M-REC and A-REC modes arelisted in the chart below.When the mode dial is set to A-REC or M-REC, the autofocusmode can be changed using the button. The setting changeseach time the button is pressed, cycling through the focus modesin the following order:NO ICON (AUTO)AutofocusIn autofocus and macro close-up modes, the camera automatically adjustsfocus according to the distance to the subject. When the LCD monitor ison, the camera focuses continuously up to the moment the shutter-releasebutton is pressed (continuous AF). When the monitor is off, the cameraonly focuses when the shutter-release button is pressed half way (singleAF). Focus is fixed when the shutter-release button is pressed half way, andremains fixed as long is the shutter-release button is held down (focus lock).Using the Buttons (A-REC, M-REC): Focus SettingsMacro Close-upWhen using macro close-up, it is recommended that you frame photo-graphs in the LCD monitor.Macro close-up can be used at ranges as short as 7cm (2.8in.) when thecamera is zoomed to the middle optical zoom position. When the camerais zoomed to a position suited to such close-range photography, the macroicon () in the LCD monitor will turn yellow.While the flash can be used with a focus mode of "Macro Close-up," it maysometimes be unable to light the entire subject. When using the flash, takea test picture and verify the results in the LCD monitor.How it works Setting When to use itAutofocusNO ICONCamera automatically adjusts focus according to dis-tance to subject.Use when subject is 30cm (1ft) or more from lens.InfinityFocus is fixed at infinity. Flash is disabled.Use for photographing distant scenes in daylight (amanual focus setting of "Inf" is available for when youwant to use the flash)Macro Close-upFocus adjusted automatically for subjects 7cm (2.8in.)or more from lens.Use for close-up photography.