COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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53page / 2.31MB
- 41 -Hiding Photographs During PlaybackWhen creating a slide show or playing back photographs for anaudience, you may want to hide some of the photographs in thecurrent folder. Hidden items are only visible in the HIDE IMAGEmenu and can not be deleted using the button or theDELETE-SELECTED or DELETE-ALL options (hidden fileswill be deleted when the card is formatted).Follow these steps to hide or reveal photographs in the currentfolder:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightHIDE IMAGE in the playback menu andpress the shutter-release button. A menuof thumbnail previews will be displayedshowing the images in the current folder.2 Using the zoom buttons (), highlight a photograph youwant to hide and press the button. The selected image willbe marked with a icon. Images that have already beenhidden can be restored to view by highlighting the image andpressing the button.3 Repeat Step 2 until you have selected all but one of the imagesyou want to hide.4 To complete the operation, highlight the last of the images tobe hidden or revealed, then press the shutter-release button.Preparing Photographs for PrintingPhotographs taken with the COOLPIX 800 can be printeddirectly using an output device that supports DPOF and isequipped with a card reader. The PRINT SET option in thecamera menu allows you to select the photographs to be printed,set the number of copies, and specify whether the date ofrecording is to be printed on the photo. This information is storedin printer files on the memory card. You can then remove thememory card from the camera and take it to a photo developerto be printed.To set up photos in the current folder for printing:1 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightPRINT SET in the playback menu andpress the shutter-release button. A menuof thumbnail previews will be displayedshowing the images in the current folder.2 Using the zoom buttons (), highlight a photograph youwant to print and press the button. The selected imagewill be marked with a printer icon. Images that have alreadybeen selected for printing can be removed from the list ofimages to be printed by highlighting the image and pressing the button.3 Repeat Step 2 until you have selected all but one of the imagesyou want to print.4 Highlight the last of the images to beprinted, then press the shutter-releaseCONCEPTPRACTICETipIf an image is not visible in the menu of previews, use the zoom buttons() to display more image previews.CONCEPTPRACTICEThe Camera Menus: The Playback Menu BKPRI NTMULT I SEL .➔SET➔SHUTTERPRNT SETSET➔SHUTTERBKDONECOPIESDATE1