COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
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- 27 -LENS (Lens Converter)Offers a choice of settings for achieving optimum results withthe following lens converters (available separately): the FC-E8 fish-eye lens converter, the WC-E24 wide-angle lensconverter, and the TC-E2 telephoto lens converter. Detailsof these settings are provided below.AE LOCKFixes autoexposure and white-balance to produce severalmatching photographs of a single scene. Instructions on usingthis setting to take photographs that can later be blendedinto a single image are provided below.B&W (Black and White)Offers a choice of black-and-white or color photography.See below for details.USER SETOffers a choice of three custom settings. See below fordetails.CARDFORMAT (Card Format)Format memory cards for use in the COOLPIX 800. See"The Camera Menus: The A-REC Menu," above.RESET ALLRestores user settings to their default values. See below fordetails.SETUPThe M-REC setup menu offers accessto the following settings:LCD BRIGHT (LCD Brightness):Adjust the brightness of the LCDmonitor. See "The Camera Menus:The A-REC Menu," above.LCD ON/OFF: Determines whether and when the LCDmonitor comes on in M-REC mode. See below for details.CONTROLS: Offers a choice of settings for controllingbasic camera operations. See below for details.AUTO OFF: When operated on battery power, thecamera automatically enters sleep mode if no operations areperformed for thirty seconds. This option can be used toextend this limit for A-REC and M-REC mode. See "TheCamera Menus: The A-REC Menu," above.SEQ.XFER: Allows photographs to be assigned uniquefilenames, preventing photographs from being accidentallyoverwritten when copied to a computer. See "The CameraMenus: The A-REC Menu," above.DATE: Set the camera's internal clock-calendar as de-scribed in "First Steps: Setting the Time and Date," above.LANGUAGE: Offers a choice of languages for cameramenus and messages. Refer to "First Steps: Choosing aLanguage," above.The Camera Menus: The M-REC MenuSET UPLCD ON/OFFAUTO OFFSEQ.XFERDATELANGUAGECONTROLSLCD BRIGHT0SET➔ SHUTTERBK