COOLPIX 800の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 2.31MB]
gizport - 2013-08-17 - 2.31MB
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- 34 -LCD On/OffBy default, the LCD monitor comes on when the camera is turnedon and can only be turned off by pressing the MONITOR button.While the LCD monitor is on, the camera adjusts focus continu-ously, providing a constant preview of the view through the lens.The settings in the LCD ON/OFF menu allow you to change thebehavior of the monitor and autofocus in M-REC mode, savingpower and increasing battery life. They also give you control overwhether the camera displays the photographs in the LCDmonitor immediately after shooting.To change the LCD ON/OFF setting:1 Turn the mode dial to M-REC.2 Press the MENU button to open the M-REC menu, then press it again to view thesecond page.3 Use the zoom buttons () to highlightSET UP and press the shutter-releasebutton to display the SET UP menu.4 Using the zoom buttons (), highlightLCD ON/OFF.5 Press the shutter-release button and se-lect the desired setting from the LCDON/OFF menu.The chosen setting affects M-REC mode only. The LCD monitorwill always come on when the mode dial is turned from OFF to A-REC or PLAY.Setting How it worksPhotographs are not displayed in theLCD monitor immediately after shoot-ing. This is useful when you want toshoot several photos in rapid succes-sion. Other monitor functions andautofocus are not affected.FAST REVIEW(monitor on,review functionoff)The LCD monitor remains on when themode dial is turned to M-REC. Focus isonly adjusted when the shutter-releasebutton is half-pressed.ON&S-AF(monitor on,single autofocus)The LCD monitor remains on when themode dial is turned to M-REC. Thecamera adjusts focus continuously untilthe shutter-release button is half-pressed.ON&C-AF(monitor on,continuousautofocus)Setting How it worksAs above, except that the monitor doesnot come on after shooting. The moni-tor can be turned on by pressing theMONITOR button.LCD OFFThe LCD monitor only comes on todisplay photographs immediately aftershooting. Focus is only adjusted at themoment the shutter-release button ishalf-pressed.REVIEW ONLY(monitor off,review functionon)CONCEPTPRACTICECONCEPTThe Camera Menus: The M-REC Menu1USER SETRESET ALLFOLDERSLENSCARDFORMATAE LOCKB&WSET UPSET➔ SHUTTERSET UPLCD ON/OFFAUTO OFFSEQ.XFERDATELANGUAGECONTROLSLCD BRIGHT0SET➔ SHUTTERBK AUTOLCD O/ION&S-AFREVIEW ONLYLCD OFFFAST REVIEWON&C-AFON AT STARTUPTURNS MONITORSET➔SHUTTERBK